So I have got through Day 1 of the Military Diet.
....It wasn't too difficult.
I had to get up at 4am because I had an early morning coach to get and I didn't have breakfast then because I knew I would be ravenous by lunchtime and it would make me miserable. So, I waited. When I got to Bristol, I had my breakfast (around 10am).
Breakfast Day 1 - 1/2 Grapefruit, Piece of Wholemeal toast and two tablespoons of peanut butter.
I wasn't looking forward to having to eat my grapefruit because I had had a grapefruit a couple of years ago and found it disgusting. I bought a yellow grapefruit and cut it in half before cutting that half into lots of different little segments so I could eat it the way some people eat oranges (basically biting into the skin and sucking out all the juices). I thought this would make it more bearable.
I had the peanut butter toast first. I have seen so many beautiful pictures of people eating healthy foods with a dollop of peanut butter on top and people have raved about this substance for so long, however, it was actually my first time trying it. I had had peanut sauce on chicken satays before (Mum's speciality summer dish) and loved it so I thought I'd be ok. I ate it and didn't really taste too much of anything. I didn't quite manage to put two tablespoons on the piece of toast but it just seemed like too much and it was just piling up on the piece of toast instead of spreading over it.
The moment I finished eating it I felt nauseous. I wanted to be sick. I drank a ton of water and none of it seemed to be helping. After about ten minutes I thought maybe trying the grapefruit might help. I loved it. It was so yummy. It still had a bitter tang to it and made my eyes do that squinty thing they do when you taste something bitter but it was actually really nice and I am sad that grapefruit is not to appear again on the menu. It also made me feel better. Furthermore, I soon was running to the loo as my body insisted on getting the peanut butter out of me, if I wasn't going to be had to be another way....GRIM.
I am so glad peanut butter is not on the menu again this week! For now I shall shut it away in the cupboard! BAD PEANUT BUTTER.
Day 1 Lunch - Half a can of Tuna and a piece of toast.
It was so yummy. I had lunch around 3pm because I was still worried about the sick feeling in my stomach before then. I love tuna. It aways tastes so good. The only sad thing about it was there wasn't more. I hadn't felt hungry before lunch but after lunch, I certainly did.
Exercise - FitnessBlender KettleBell Workout
- FitnessBlender Tank Top Arms 1
Day 1 Dinner - I was ravenous after all of the exercise. I grilled half of a gammon steak (80grams) and then had a cup of green beans (I took this to mean 100 grams - only later discovering it is more like 170 grams but oh well!). It quite a small dinner but I haven't tasted gammon steak in ages and it was just magic. I was so grateful for it and ate it so slowly!
I then had my vanilla ice cream and warmed up my small apple and half a banana to go on top and below it. I actually put my desert in a mug so it would look bigger and I put half of the fruit underneath and half on top. It was really yummy. SOOOOO YUMMY!
I felt hungry going to bed but not ravenous.
This morning I weighed myself and I had lost 0.6lbs. Not bad but I don't think I am going to be losing 10 pounds in 3 days, do you?? HOWEVER, my boyfriend, a rather slim individual who has never had to go on a diet in his life, despite my mother having seen him recently and telling me I'm not feeding him enough (this was before he had been eating the same as me), insisted on doing this diet with me. He said if he gets hungry he will just eat some bread. The thing about my boyfriend is that he never actually feels hunger or gets full. So he can go days without eating if he is studying hard and not notice. And then over the summer, he would have 3 ham and cheese toasties and two bowls of cereal for breakfast and it doesn't do the slightest thing to his weight. He weighed himself yesterday and then he weighed himself today. He had lost 6lbs. AND WHEN we got up at 4am yesterday he had three pieces of bread with butter and jam! Oh and he did not exercise whatsoever. Sigh. Life is unfair sometimes. But shows the diet may work better for different people.
Oh, wow that was quite an experience with the 3 Day Military diet which I also did a couple of days ago. Like you, I was quite determined to lose the extra weight. I also didn’t like some of the food in the diet. Good thing food substitutions were allowed, so i replaced the hotdogs with some lean chicken and the canned tuna with fresh Cod. The vanilla ice cream – I retained and loved it! When you’re a bit hungry, the sweetness is a welcome indulgence! I also topped it with a bit of strawberry for more flavor. Did you experience any irritability on your first day? I know that I did and I read that it may be because the food selection is low carb. However, on the next 2 days, I think my body got used to the little amount of food and I felt just fine. After 3 days, I lost around 6 pounds, which isn’t bad. My sister, who did the diet with me lost 7! So I think it really depends on the person doing the diet, too like what you’ve said. If you want an excellent resource page that helped me a lot here’s a link I want to share
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