Sunday, 19 January 2014

A Fad Dieter


This is my new blog. Not much to see yet but over the next few months you will see me trying all sorts of fad diets to tell you if any of them give the results they promise on the tin.

I am going to do two weeks at a time on each diet. Furthermore, I will blog lots, tell you the truth and hopefully not find anything to terrible. I will allow myself one to two cheat days during the two weeks. These cheat days will be used if I have a birthday party to go to or something special is happening.

I have already decided on a few diets so I will detail them below. Comment and suggest more you'd like to see.

January 20-3rd February: Cabbage Soup Diet

February 4th - 8th: The Hollywood Diet (ok, I won't be doing this for two weeks because that would be DANGEROUS. Some diets you are not advised to do longer than a week but I will push that. This one NO. I will go crazy not chewing something for longer than four days. You're only meant to do this for two days so I am pushing it doing it for four. If it gets too much i'll stop.

February 9th - 23rd: The Egg - Only Diet

Those are some of the crazy diets are I am going to do till mid Feb!!!

:D x

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